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At Academy of Learning Career College (AOLCC), our students come from all walks of life. Each brings a variety of life experiences, talents, and backgrounds and we couldn’t be any prouder of all their accomplishments!

For young and new moms, focusing on yourself and your future can seem impossible. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to raise your kids, attend classes, and build your career! Fortunately, advances in education technology have opened up more options for mothers wanting to go back to school.

Here’s how Tracey, one of the many incredible Academy of Learning Career College supermoms, did it — and landed a job right after graduation!

Balancing Education & Motherhood, Young Mom Lands Job At Graduation

Tracy attended AOLCC and earned her Medical Office Assistant diploma with a Health Unit Clerk Speciality.

AOLCC’s flexible scheduling and online learning allowed Tracey to complete her courses, while still being present for her family. Because of AOLCC’s short programs, she was able to graduate in just 11 months.

Tracey gained valuable, hands-on experience in the practical component (practicum) of her program. There, she proved her work ethic and got hired right after graduation!

“Everything I learned in the course has been instrumental in my new role as an Administrative Technician. It has paved the way for my current position and contributed significantly to my professional growth.”


Congrats & thanks for the inspiration, Tracey!

30+ diplomas and certificate programs. 50 campuses.