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Web Design College In BC
According to Work BC, 2040 jobs in web design are expected to open up in British Columbia between the years of 2014 and 2024. About 48 per cent of those jobs will come from replacing retiring workers. But for new grads, there’s even better news: the other 52 per cent will come from increased demand alone—which means that a career in web design is a career in a field that’s growing quickly!
Work BC has also rated web design as a career path with above average career stability. That means you will feel secure at your new job.
However, tapping into this rewarding career path does take some training. That’s why you’ll need to attend a good web design college and get your diploma before you can start your job search.
How will you know which college to choose? Here are a few characteristics you should look for:

1. A Good Web Design College Cares About Your Career

It’s important to go to a college that takes your career goals seriously. After all, the final objective of getting a web design diploma is to use that education to begin a rewarding new career.
Here’s how you can spot if a college will be beneficial to your career:

  • It will offer career placement assistance
  • It will help you build your portfolio
  • It will teach you handy job-search and interview skills

For example, at Academy of Learning College (AOLC), our career services help connect students with local employers in BC. We’ve even incorporated courses like Job Search and Résumé Writing and Web Portfolio Design right into our curriculum, so that you can build your own online portfolio as well as an up-to-date professional resume.
We know that for many adult learners, lack of self-confidence can be a big barrier. They might have all the skills they need to land their dream job, but if they’ve been unemployed for a few years, or left school at a young age before finally getting their diploma, they might not see their true potential and lack important self-confidence. That’s why we also teach our students Thought Patterns for a Successful Career™, where students learn to build their confidence, take initiative, and turn their career goals into reality!

2. A Good Web Design College Teaches the Skills You Need to Build Your New Career

Launching a successful career in web design takes many different skills. You’ll need to know how to design user-friendly web pages and how to program using JavaScript. You’ll also need to know how to use standard office computer software like Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word. On top of all that, you’ll need excellent customer service skills as well as some marketing knowledge. And of course, the right web design college can help you learn each of these skills and more.

Web Design College Teaches the Skills
AOLC’s friendly instructors are also there to answer your questions and help you every step of the way

At AOLC, students learn everything from using top industry software like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver, to important design concepts like colour theory and typography. That’s alongside courses that help them hone their customer service skills, marketing know-how and much more!
Want to start your first web design course in Canada?
With AOLC’s immediate start dates, you don’t have to wait until the beginning of the semester to begin your training!