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Business Career In BC
Are you ready to kick-start your own business career, or to upgrade your business skills and land a better job? Better pay, a secure future, and a sense of fulfillment can all be achieved by acting on your career ambitions at the right moment. If you’re considering a business career here in British Columbia, now is an excellent time to get started.
Training programs like Academy of Learning College’s business and marketing adult education courses can give you all the skills you need to succeed on BC’s business scene, whether you want to work for a successful company or launch a business of your own. Our Integrated Learning System™ makes it possible for you get certification employers recognize within one year of studying in-class and online—whatever best suits your personal schedule.
Certain traits may indicate that you’re already on-track for succeeding in a BC business career. Here’s our guide to 3 signs that prove business training is right for you.

1. You’re a Natural Leader, with Skills Valued in Any Top Business Career

To be successful in business, it helps to have strong leadership skills. This involves taking initiative, inspiring others to do their best, and having the confidence you need to gain the trust and support of others. If you can think of times when others depended on you for your insight and guidance, you might already be a great leader.
Leadership isn’t about being the loudest or biggest. It’s about keeping others’ trust and making responsible decisions. Throughout your business career your leadership skills, along with your business education, will help you set big-picture goals, take risks, make progress, advance your business and improve its revenues. You will become someone others can depend on.

2. You Have a Strong Sense of Personal and Professional Ethics

Though often overlooked, a keen sense of personal and professional integrity is essential to the success of your future business. This involves knowledge of ethical business practices which you will learn in your training, along with adherence to those ethical standards throughout your career.
A successful businessperson always conducts themselves in respectable ways, acting fairly and responsibly in each business transaction. Customers, clients, and peers on BC’s business scene offer their continued support only to businesses that are conducted with ethics in mind. If you already value fairness and moral integrity, you’re on the right track for business success.

3. You Have a Good Sense of Business Timing: A Modern Business Career Must

Professionals know that when launching your own business, timing is everything.  Perhaps you’ve noticed that British Columbia’s small business scene is thriving—it’s what industry insiders are calling a ‘fertile investment climate.’ Maybe you’ve been considering your own specialized business administration or marketing coordinator career for a while now and have just begun to research what they entail. By listening to those thoughts and seeking out this article, you’ve proven that you have a pretty good sense of business timing.
This is because according to studies by the Canadian Business Report, BC is overtaking business hubs like Toronto and Waterloo to become “the country’s strongest magnet for small businesses,” credited to the province’s geographical location, multicultural climate, and emerging reputation as “Silicon Valley North.”
BC’s business success may also be due to its new tax incentives for business investors, offered in the form of a 30 per cent investment rebate for those who set up shop in the province. As it stands, 3.9 per cent of BC’s population is employed by a company that’s less than two years old, up to double the percentage of people working for young companies in provinces to the east.
This all goes to show that with the right training, traits, and ambition, now is the time for new businesspeople to succeed in here in BC!
Are you interested in earning your business certification at one of the top marketing colleges in Canada?
Visit Academy of Learning College to learn more.