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Business Management Diploma
Going back to school puts students on track for more fulfilling lives, at work and at home!

Are you currently working at a job that is both underpaid and unfulfilling? You’re not alone.
Research shows that close to 80% of workers feel dissatisfied with their jobs – and in the United States, approximately 2 million people quit their positions every month!
Unfortunately, quitting without a game plan often means ending up in another dead-end job soon after. Before long, low pay, long hours, and a diminishing sense of self-worth take an enormous toll on individuals and their families.
If you’re stuck in a similar cycle, going back to school to upgrade your skills can seem almost impossible. But, targeted career training is exactly what’s needed to break the pattern, create new opportunities, and dramatically improve your sense of professional and personal fulfillment.
Here’s how a business management diploma can help you unlock your career potential, and improve your whole family’s quality of life.

1. A Business Management Diploma Can Lead to a More Satisfying Job

Because of its broad scope, a business management diploma is an excellent first step to opening up new work opportunities, and breaking free from the trap of an unrewarding job. Business students learn everything from human resources management, to the latest office computer programs, to preparing financial forecasts and budgets.
Graduates with business management diplomas are completely prepared for junior management positions in a wide range of environments, including government, small businesses, and departments of large corporations. With options to choose from, and a strong foundation on which to continue building new skills, grads are no longer limited to low paid, boring jobs.
And with improved job satisfaction comes proven emotional and physical health benefits, which directly impact quality of life for you and your whole family.

Business Management Training
When you’re happy at work, your home life benefits too!

2. You Can Earn Higher Pay With Business Management Training

While money isn’t everything, getting paid more to do a job you enjoy has obvious tangible benefits for you and your family. And, when it comes to securing higher pay, a college diploma is one of the top places to start.
The results of a recent long-term study by Statistics Canada show that employees with post-secondary education earn more throughout their careers than workers with only a high school diploma.
According to the report, over a 20 year period, men with a college education earned $247, 000 more, and women earned $179, 000 more, than their peers who never completed college.
According to the Government of Canada Job Bank, average-to-high salaries for office managers run from $46, 000 – $70, 000 per year. That’s well above our country’s average salary of $38, 700. And significantly higher than typical service sector retail jobs, which pay approximately $29, 000 per year.
And if you prove yourself in your first position, you can move up and qualify for senior management roles as your career progresses. You’ll have room to grow – and so will your salary.

3. A Business Management Diploma Unlocks Improved Job Security

When it comes to landing a secure, long-lasting job, a college diploma can be a big help.
How much of a benefit is it?
Canadian research shows that “while those without high school have an employment rate of only 55 per cent, those with university or college credentials have employment rates of 82 and 81 per cent, respectively”.
Post-secondary education is proven to help guard against unemployment, promoting job security over the long term.
To get the ball rolling, Academy of Learning College (AOLC) builds relationships with local businesses and organizations that trust the quality of their business management grads.
As your training comes to a close, AOLC provides career coaching and job placement support– making it easier than ever for business school grads to land jobs with quality employers with whom they can build positive long-lasting relationships.

Business Management Diploma Unlocks Improved Job Security
The right business training helps grads land – and keep – more fulfilling jobs

Job security helps minimize financial worries and concerns about the future – a weight off your mind, and less stress for the whole family.
Ready to start your business management career?
Visit Academy of Learning to learn more about our flexible study options, which can help you complete your education in just 4-12 months!