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Career In Business Office Administration
Would you like to give your business career a boost? You’re not alone. Many people go back to school so they can qualify for a promotion, earn a higher wage, or make a smooth transition to a new and more rewarding career.
Some returning students have hit a “glass ceiling” at work, and been passed over for a promotion – despite years of experience – because they don’t have a college diploma.
Others come up against career roadblocks because they don’t have the latest computer skills needed to break into the business administration field.
How can a diploma in business office administration help you reach your career goals? Read on to find out.

Business Administration Training Helps You Get Comfortable With New Technology

When it comes to giving your career a makeover, getting a diploma in office administration can be one of the smartest investments you’ll ever make. Training from a respected college will help you build the up-to-date skills employers need most – like knowing your way around the latest computer programs and software.
In today’s information age, keyboarding skills and a solid knowledge of office programs like Excel, Word, and PowerPoint are a must. No matter how strong your communication and organizational abilities, without these standard tech skills, it will be very difficult to break into – or advance in – a business administration career.
Academy of Learning College (AOLC) helps business admin students get comfortable with new technology by offering hands-on training in a friendly and encouraging setting. With one-on-one help whenever they need it, AOLC students graduate with the tech skills and the confidence they need to reach their career goals.

Upgrade Your Communication Skills

Upgrade Your Communication Skills to Advance Your Career in Business Administration

Advanced communication skills are another key element of effective office administration. As an office administrator, you’ll act as the first point of contact between your company and its clients, help one department or team correspond with another, and draft documents for your employer.
You’ll need superior customer service and communication skills to promote a professional image and ensure operations run smoothly throughout the organization.
That’s why business administration diploma programs offer courses in customer service, grammar, and punctuation and writing skills.
How important are your grammar skills? As a recent report from Grammarly reveals, they can make a big difference in whether or not you advance in your career. In fact, when Grammarly examined the LinkedIn profiles of hundreds of professionals, they actually found that those who made fewer grammar mistakes were more likely to get promoted!
If you think that your communication skills might be holding you back, business administration training can help fill in the gaps with instruction on the very best practices in written and oral business communications.

Don’t Wait! Start Your Business Administration Training Today

Across Canada, employers are looking for candidates with up-to-date training. In BC, for example, 44% of projected job growth between now and 2022 will be for positions that require a college diploma or other post-secondary education. All across Canada, we’re seeing similar trends. Emerging jobs require specialized training.
But while getting an advanced degree can help unlock new opportunities, many prospective students still hold off on going to school. They might be worried about keeping up with coursework on top of family responsibilities, or that a full or part-time job will interfere with class time.
Fortunately, programs at AOLC provide flexible study options for students who need to juggle multiple responsibilities. AOLC offers its renowned Integrated Learning System™, which lets students learn at their own pace and easily recover any missed classes.

Business Administration Career
So don’t wait. Get the training you need to break through your own professional barriers and launch the career you’ve always dreamed of!
Ready to learn more about training for a career in business administration?
Visit AOLC to learn more about our programs or speak with one of our friendly advisors.