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After answering a fair amount of questions asked by the interviewers, you grasp a whim of relief because you feel as though you did well and you think the interview is over. However, here comes one last question “Do you have any questions for me?” Surprisingly, the most common answer to the interview question is no. Not only is that the wrong answer, but it’s also a missed opportunity to find out precious insight about the company. When interviewers ask, “Do you have any questions?” they are not just being polite. They are trying to gauge whether you’re informed, interested, and engaged.  It is important that you ask roughly 3 to 5 questions; you want to ask enough questions to show the interviewer that you are interested but you don’t want to overwhelm them by asking too many questions.

Be prepared and ask questions accordingly

It is important to ask questions to learn about the company and the job’s challenges. This is an crucial opportunity to help you decide if the job and company is the right fit for you. During the interview, you should ask questions in regard to the type of insight you wish to access from different departments of the company.
Before you attend the interview, think about the kind of information you’ll need to decide whether to work at this company. Prepare a list of 5-10 questions to take with you to the interview. Depending on who is interviewing you, your questions should vary. According to Monster, if you are interviewing with the hiring manager, ask questions about the job, the desired qualities and the challenges. If you are interviewing with the human resources manager, ask about the company and the department. If you are interviewing with management, ask about the industry and future projections. This is your chance to demonstrate your industry knowledge.

Clarify Your Uncertainties

Clarify Your Uncertainties

This is the perfect chance to clarify any concerns or doubts you have regarding this position, the future of this position, or the company itself. Ask questions and get as much intel about the company as possible, because once and if you get the job, it’ll be too late to ask questions.
First of all, you should ask things about the position that hasn’t been cleared out during the interview. However, you should avoid questions that you can find answers to from the job description or company website; it will only make you seem ignorant not knowing the answers. You want to ask well thought-out and meaningful questions regarding more details about the position and industry. According to The Muse, some sample questions could include:”What is a typical day like on this position?”, ” What are the biggest challenges that someone in this position would face?”, “What are the performance expectations of this position over the first 12 months?”, or “What are the most immediate projects that need to be addressed?”.

Strengthen your candidacy

Next, ask questions that will help make a strong statement of your strengths or accomplishments that was not covered during the interview. Make sure that you present yourself to the interviewers with relevant skills and qualities the company is looking for. You can even ask what kind of person they see ideally fitting the job, then showcase how exactly you fit into what they are looking. Once they answer, you can clarify or reiterate why you’ll be a good match. You can ask things like “What are the skills and experiences you’re looking for in an ideal candidate?”, “What skills or qualifications someone need to succeed in this position?”, or “What types of skills you’re looking for in the new hire as a great addition to your team?”, then tie your own skills and qualifications to their answers if possible.

Uncover future possibilities
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Uncover future possibilities

You should also ask question about the growth of the company and potentials for its employees. Finding out what a company’s goals are for the next five to ten years gives you a good perspective on what their values are, whether you fit in with their culture, and whether they provide you with opportunities and future growths you expect. Plus, asking about the future of the company and opportunities for your future growth shows that you’re committed and eager to learn. You could ask the interviewers “Where do you see this company in the next few years?”, “What can you tell me about your brand change or plans for growth?”, “What training programs are available to your employees?”, or “What are the opportunities for advancement or professional development like within your company?”.
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