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Looking for a new job is never an easy task, no matter if you just gradated from college or you are entering a new industry after obtaining your current job for 10 years. If your feel caged or frustrated, here are some useful job search tips that will help your hunt for a new job smoothly:

Don’t be shy to ask for advice

1. Don’t be shy to ask for advice

It is very common to feel confused, frustrated or even devastated during the process of a job search. It’s okay to ask people for advice! Talk to your friends, family or previous classmates and colleagues, and ask them what strategy they used when looking for a job, ask for their advice on what kind of job you should look for and through what channel you should hand out your resume. You’ll be surprised what they know and whom they know.
In addition, don’t be shy to connect with people from the company you want to work for, and don’t be afraid to talk to your potential employers. We often think that we need to present ourselves as a know-it-all person to get a job, but the best way to build relationships with people whom you’d like to work with is actually through being vulnerable, sharing your admiration for their work, and asking for advice. Try to connect and build a relationship with professionals from the companies you want to work for before a job opening is posted; the relationships you build and insights you gained from this will be highly beneficial for you in the long run.

Don’t limit yourself to online applications

2. Don’t limit yourself to online applications

With digital technologies surrounding us, the way we search for jobs has significantly changed from what it’s like 10 years ago. When hunting new jobs, we often search for job openings via online job boards such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster, Workopolis and so many more. I’m sure you’ve polished you resume and cover letter carefully when you submit your application online, but do you really think your job is done after you click that submit button?
Don’t stop once you’ve applied online for that position. You will instantly set yourself apart by lining up with people on the inside of that company. Start digging in and then endearing yourself to people who works at the company of your dreams. Connect with your potential employers or co-workers to acquire more insights about the company and the position. Maybe even approach an internal recruiter and ask a few questions regarding the position, and find our what kind of candidate they are looking for. In one word, turn on your radar for anyone who might influence you getting an interview.

Tailor your resume for your dream job
3. Tailor your resume (and LinkedIn Profile!) for your dream job

You may have already polished your new resume a thousand times, and you may also have filled in all the columns on your LinkedIn profile. However, if they don’t position you as a direct match for a particular role that you’ve dreamed about, don’t be afraid to modify wording, change keywords, and swap bullet points in and out. Your resume and LinkedIn profile should be modified and updated all the time. They are the most comprehensive representation of yourself for all potential recruiters and employers. You should treat them as another living self throughout your job search and career.
Also, if you don’t feel comfortably having people see the latest change to your LinkedIn profile, you can turn off the activity broadcasts within privacy and settings. This way no one will see those updates in their news feed.

Express your thanks
4. Express your thanks

A simple thank you letter could make you the winner when you compete head-to-head with another candidate who has the same talents and want the job just as badly. A thoughtful, genuine, and sincere thank you note to each person who interviewed you, within approximately 3 hours of leaving their offices may just save your life.
Consider crafting, personalized, genuine thank you notes, one for each interviewer, the moment you get back to a computer after attending the interview. The quality and speed with which you send the thank you notes mirrors your personality directly, and will for sure make an impact on the final results.
As the largest career college in Canada with 50 campuses across the country, Academy of Learning College attributes the growth in our success to identifying the gap between the formal education available and the realities of the working world. We fulfill the needs of learners by developing customized programs for each student, while meeting the requirements for convenient and effective training at an affordable cost.