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Looking for a job can be exhausting, sometimes, we may not notice the mistakes we make while searching for a job. In fact, it’s not only entry-level job seekers who make rookie mistakes. Experienced job seeker can overlook some crucial elements of a job search process and miss precious opportunities as well. Let’s take a look at some common mistakes a lot of job seekers make and learn how you can avoid them:

Not So Perfect Opportunities

Not Being Open to Not-So-Perfect Opportunities

Having a clear goal is great. But having a goal that’s so specific that you refuse to look other directions will lead to some drawbacks in your job search. Maybe you have a checklist for a dream job based on what you want. However, there’s no reason to rule out freelance work, temporary jobs, and internships. You never know where these positions can lead.
This is especially important if you are starting a new career. Being an intern or a part-time employee will give you the experience required for full-time positions. It will also allow you to gain more knowledge of the industry along with some insight as to whether or not you still want to be part of it.

Not Passively Seek for New Opportunities While Employed

Most of you probably don’t take the time to look for new possibilities while employed. But things can change quickly. Your company may face a crisis and be forced to let people go, or you may need more than what you’re getting paid when an emergency happens. It’s always wise to keep an eye on what jobs are out there, even when you’re not actively job searching.
You don’t have to be sending out applications every week, but even just signing up for industry newsletters can help you keep a pulse on interesting companies in your field. LinkedIn’s Jobs alert and recruiting firms’ newsletters can keep you informed of opening opportunities in an effortless way.

Not Actively Making Professional Connections

Not Actively Making Professional Connections  

Job search is a full-time job. Even though it’s not easy to squeeze out time to expand your network, making the right connection can help your job hunt greatly. Many job seekers neglect the significant stage of networking. Too often, even experienced professionals lose touch with their professional contacts due to busy schedules.
To keep your network fresh, seek out opportunities to connect with people who have wide, relevant networks, as well as people who are trendsetters and influencers in your industry. Connect with them a few times each year (it could be a simple hello or happy birthday message) whether or not you plan to switch jobs.

Relying Only On Online Job Boards

Online job boards like Indeed or Glassdoor make it easier to apply for multiple jobs online. They have a system that keeps your resume on file to readily submit. However, solely relying on these job boards are pushing you away from many other possibilities.
For a lot of jobs in the customer service sector, you may need to go in-person to hand in your application in order to demonstrate your personality and convince the hiring managers that you’re a good fit. At the same time, social media has become a big part of today’s job search. It is a great way to locate new opportunities and make initial contact with people, which can be then followed up with more in-depth connections.

Not Customizing Your Resume and Cover Letter

Not Customizing Your Resume and Cover Letter

It can be tiring to create a new resume and cover letter for every job you apply. Nonetheless, in an effort to stand out on an employer’s desk, it is necessary. Each resume and cover letter should be tailored to the requirements listed in the job posting. Embed reoccurring keywords from the job adverts in your application can increase your chance of being picked as a potential candidate. Try to be creative so that your genuine interest comes across to the employer. A resume, after all, acts your first introduction to an employer, so make it count!
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