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If you’re unsatisfied with your current job – making less than you deserve, or struggling to find purpose in your daily work – you may be ready to upgrade your career with a health care diploma.

Health care training opens the door to a wide variety of secure and personally rewarding career paths. And jobs in health care are in high-demand: technicians and administrative workers are needed on the front lines, and behind the scenes, of clinics, labs, and medical offices across Canada.

It’s always the right time to re-focus your career goals, and work toward a profession in which you’ll feel valued, respected, and like a force for good within your community.

Here are five reasons why it’s never too late to pursue a health care:

1. A health care diploma opens up a range of job opportunities.

Well known Life Coach Suzy Greaves says that after the age of 33, more than 60 percent of people want to find a more fulfilling career – but aren’t sure which field to turn to. “People know they are in the wrong job,” she explains, “but they don’t know what they really want to do.”

If that sounds like you, a career in health care could be a step in the right direction. Whether you’re leaning toward medical office assistant training, an addiction worker diploma, or a dental office assistant – you can be certain that a career in health care will offer that sense of meaning and personal reward you’ve been looking for.

Each health care course you take will move you one step closer to a career you can be proud of – making a difference in your own community, and helping others lead healthier, happier lives.

A career in health care

2. A career in health care = financial stability for you and your family.

Canada’s aging population is creating a growing demand for trained health care workers, and Baby Boomers are beginning to retire from these jobs – creating new positions for college graduates.

According to the Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS), individuals with training in medical support will find secure employment in the healthcare sector for years to come. Positive predictions like this take the risk out of the back-to-school investment, so it’s easier to make that leap now, rather than postpone training for another year or two.

3. New credentials can help you climb the ladder at your current job.

You may already have a job in the healthcare field, and be looking for ways to advance in your own work environment. The right program can give you the credentials you need to break through to the next level.

By learning the latest technologies and best practices in your health care field, you’ll become more valuable to your employer, and eligible for more rewarding roles and a higher pay rate.

4. Flexible programs help you earn a health care diploma at your own pace.

Many who desire to go back to school want to hold onto their current job and/or be free to spend time with family while earning their health care diploma. The best colleges will offer you options to study at your own convenience, enrol year round when it’s most convenient for you, and make up missed classes with ease. Modern technology makes striking a balance between home, work, and school easier than ever so students don’t have to put off investing in a brighter future.

For example, at Academy of Learning Career College, students use our Integrated Learning System to study at their own pace with a blend of online and in-class instruction. They finish their health care programs quickly, within 4-12 months of enrollment, and are fully prepared for their first health care job (or to qualify for a promotion at their current place of work).

30+ diplomas and certificate programs. 50 campuses