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Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. It is easy to love your job when the job aligns with your value, your personality, and your passion in life. For example, a very outgoing and extroverted person would be happy on a client-facing position such as sales representative or customer care consultant, while a quite and introverted person might enjoy analytical work or interface-facing position more.
If you’re going to put energy into finding a new job, you need to find something that motivates you and encourages you to make a difference. It’s not just about finding a job, but getting the right job that eventually helps you become what you want to be in the future.

What Is Your Perfect Job

What Is Your Perfect Job?

The first step towards finding a perfect job is to determine what kind of job suits you. You should always carefully think it through in order to prevent time and effort spent on jobs that you might regret doing.
There are numerous personality tests or interest tests you can find on the internet. By taking an interests test first, you can find out what your specific personal career interests are. By means of a personality test you can find out more about your personality and what kind of jobs suits your characteristic. Taking a test like this might give you some new ideas on finding the perfect job.

Questions To Help You Access Yourself

Questions To Help You Access Yourself

The most important factor in the search for a perfect job is you, the job seeker.  You need to understand what you are most passionate about, what interest you, what you love and naturally do best before conducting your search. You could ask yourself some self-assessment questions, you may learn something new in the process! Here are some sample questions:

  • If you disliked your last job, was it the role, your team, the organization, or the sector?
  • What have you enjoyed the most in your past jobs? – the team and co-workers? The job responsibilities? The challenge? Or the flexible hours?
  • What jobs done by friends fascinate you?
  • What advertised jobs have attracted you?
  • Of all the jobs you have ever held, which was the most enjoyable and why?
  • Think about a time when you had a great day at work. The kind of day where everything went well and you felt satisfied at work. Write down what you were doing, what you enjoyed and what you achieved on that day.
  • If all jobs paid the same, what work would you do?

Analyze Your Skills

Analyze Your Skills

After you learned more about your preference, let’s take a look at your skills. List out all professional (or semi-professional) skills that you’ve gained in the past, include those you acquired from and outside work. What skills are you proud of? What skills you look forward to practice in the future? What skills you think are entirely pointless?
Then look for jobs that fit your skill set, or jobs associated with certain skills that you’re willing to acquire. Ensure you have plenty of up-to-date evidence of skills development, learning, and voluntary activities.

Work Out Your Top 10 Jobs Criteria

Work Out Your Top 10 Jobs Criteria

Develop a personal wish list of the ingredients in your ideal job – think about key elements such as the kind of people you enjoy working with, the environment you look forward to work in, the results you like to achieve and the organization’s culture and working style you might like. Then throw your values into the mix – what products or services matter to you? Look for jobs which match at least six out of the 10 criteria.

Apply For The Job

Apply For The Job

When you have located the types of jobs you want, it is time to apply for it. If your resume fits the job position and you spend enough time writing a good and convincing letter, you may be invited for a personal meeting right away. Prepare for the interview with all your heart and make sure you look well-groomed. Be pro-active in the conversation, but keep in mind you do not want to come across as too aggressive.
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