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Careers In Community Support Services
Community service workers (CSWs) are the helping hands that guide each community’s most vulnerable members toward improved health and wellness, and increased independence. They support children, seniors, and everyone in between – using specialized skills to promote each individual’s highest possible quality of life.
Careers in the community service sector are in high demand, opening the door for skilled professionals to step in and make their mark. With a diploma in Community Support Services, you could join them – and launch a career that truly makes a difference.
Read on to learn about the rewards of becoming a CSW, and the many career paths trained graduates can explore.

The Impact of Community Support Service Work

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world,” said Mahatma Gandhi. These words are put into action by CSWs at work every day – making a difference in their communities one compassionate interaction at a time. They work in government and social agencies, community centres, schools, and beyond, serving individuals with a diverse range of needs.
The right training will provide you with the skills you’ll need for any community support workercareer, including how to:

  • support at-risk populations
  • promote healthy family life
  • provide mental health counselling
  • understand complex social and psychological behaviours
  • manage cases and write reports

Community support services training can even give you firsthand work experience through clinical placements, preparing you to start work right after graduation in today’s exciting variety of CSW careers.

1. Educational Support Workers: Helping Children Grow

With CSW training you can become an early childhood educatorfocused on children at the preschool/kindergarten level, or a teaching assistant who supports students at each stage of their intellectual, social, and emotional development. You can also become a specialized educational assistant(EA), who uses particular skills to support children who need extra help and guidance.
These children may have particular disabilities or learning difficulties. An EA’s support is essential to helping them manage various challenges and learn and grow at their own pace – promoting each child’s confidence, well-being, and inclusion in the educational community.

Cutting Edge Community Support Services
Graduates of educational support work programs can find secure employment alongside teachers in traditional school environments. They are also often hired to help run youth centres, daycares, after-school programming, and other services for children beyond the classroom – supporting children throughout their communities.

2. Addiction Intervention: Cutting Edge Community Support Services

Graduates of community support services school can choose to specialize in the life-saving field of addictions support work.
If you choose to become an addictions support worker, you can find employment in governmental or mental health agencies, non-profit organizations, rehabilitation centres, correctional facilities, and rehabilitation centres.
It’s a challenging job, requiring skills in conflict resolution, behaviour management, empathy, and more. But every day these professionals help clients turn away from devastating alcohol and drug abuse toward new, healthier lives. It’s uplifting work that creates lasting, transformative change for some of society’s most at-risk members.

3. Adult Program Facilitator: Supporting Individuals with Disabilities

CSWs often find employment at community centres that coordinator day programs for adults with developmental disabilities. These programs are typically focused on helping participants build life skills, enjoy creative expression through arts and activities, get involved in the community through volunteering, and find opportunities for employment.
CSWs help manage and facilitate a wide range of day programs, building meaningful relationships with the individuals they support, and ensuring they feel included in the local community.

Supporting Individuals with Disabilities
With the right training and a compassionate attitude, you too can join the dynamic CSW field and pursue a career that is both professionally and personally rewarding.
Are you interested in pursuing a career in community support services
Visit AOLC to learn more about our programs at a campus near you!