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Christmas is approaching, are you thinking about putting your job search on hold? If so, think again! There is a myth amongst job seekers that year-end or fourth quarter is one of the worst times to look for new job opportunities. While in some industries, this is true and maybe some companies only hire seasonal roles during this time of the year. However, the good news is that it does not apply to all industries or jobs.
During the holiday season, you have the least competition in the job market. Because most job seekers believe that companies do not hire at the end of the year, many candidates write off job searching until January. This results in a significant drop in the competition for the opportunities that need to be filled before year-end.
Even though some companies that operate on a strict yearly budget may hold off their year-end recruitment, they start developing their candidate pool for new positions in New Year at the earliest. The truth is, job seekers who networked with these companies will be the first to be considered when they resume hiring process in January. Now, let’s take a look at things you should do to help with your job search during this holiday season!

Connect LinkedIn Networks

Connect Through Your Online Networks

The holiday season is a perfect time to improve your online presence on professional or social networking sites like LinkedIn or Facebook. You should take this time to complete your profiles (if you haven’t done so), make your profiles more searchable for recruiter, as well as expanding your network by joining groups and connecting with more friends.
Reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances is natural at this time of year as well, so reach out to them on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook, whichever one you prefer, and catch up with what they’re doing these days. You could also send out an email or message on social networks to get in touch with your friends or precious co-workers again. The holiday season is a good excuse to touch base and a good time to reinforce or expand your network.

Happy Holidays

Send Cards to Recruiters and Companies That Interviewed You

Sending a holiday greeting card to your networking contacts, recruiters, and to companies you have interviewed with is another good way to connect with people who played a unique role in your job search.
In order to remind hiring managers that you’re still interested in working with them, you could send a holiday card, and maybe even a small gift like a box of chocolate. You could also add in a note to ask if there are any openings where you might be a good candidate or a better fit than the job you previously interviewed for.

Thank Everyone Who Helped with Your Job Search

Thank Everyone Who Helped with Your Job Search

You should also thank everyone how helped you in your job search. Networking is not a one-way street, if someone provided information or opportunity for you, whether it’s a friend, a family member, or previous colleague, you should sincerely show your appreciation and let them know that their help really means a lot to you.
Holiday cards or emails are great ways to express appreciation to networking contacts, recruiters, and anyone else you’ve been in touch with about your job search, and to stay on top of their radar for opportunities that might come up in the future.

Attend Holiday Events

Attend Holiday Events 

Holiday parties are prime networking opportunities. You don’t want to make every conversation about your job search, but letting people know how they can help you is crucial. If you are attending a holiday social event, it is definitely appropriate to mention that you are job searching.
In fact, it’s worth attending as many events as you can and making a point of mentioning your job search to people you talk with, because you can never predict who might have a useful lead for you. You could also Invite people over for dinner, coffee, or a glass of holiday cheer to make new connections or reconnect with people in your network. This is a casual and comfortable way to practice your pitch and new opportunities may appear on your dinner table!
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