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A career in marketing can take you in several different directions. Marketing can be defined as being the intermediary function between product development and sales. It is comprised of many sectors and activities. You will find that there are many opportunities in marketing, but the common denominator of those opportunities is the sense of ownership over the product and/or service and the necessity to understand the customer’s needs and desires and then be able to translate those needs in the communication of your marketing strategy.
If you choose to pursue a career in marketing, your typical daily tasks will include approximating the need for products or services, distinguishing potential markets for products or services, monitoring trends, developing pricing and sales strategies, and working with staff in public relations, product development, and sales departments.

Marketing Job Market

Marketing careers are mostly expected to grow a little more than average over the next 10 years. Businesses are always looking to hold onto their share of the market as well as expand to grab a larger chunk of the business. With new products being developed and the economy moving to a global stage more and more, marketers will be needed on an increasing basis. With over 200,000 jobs in 2012, marketing jobs as a whole are expected to increase about 12 percent by 2022.
Beyond the rise of analytic sales and marketing tools, digital skills of all kinds are in demand. Employers are looking for proficiency with various digital tools such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, lead nurturing software, search engine marketing (SEM, SEO, and PPC), and various other forms of digital marketing.

Job Growth By Occupation

Required Education Level

Education requirements for marketing professionals depend on the industry and specific job duties, but there are very few employers who will hire people without a diploma or degree for most types of marketing jobs.
You may be a go-getter and a natural salesman, but you’ll need a diploma or degree if you have your eye on marketing jobs. Careers in marketing require knowledge of market research, consumer behavior, sales, visual arts and general marketing. Experience as a sales rep or buyer or in advertising or public relations is a plus, and working as a marketing intern during college will build great credentials on your resume as well.

Marketing Coordinator Diploma Program

Marketing Coordinator Diploma Program

At the Academy of Learning Career College, we offer Marketing Coordinator Diploma Program at numerous campuses across Canada. The Marketing Coordinator Diploma is designed to prepare students for entry-level marketing support positions relating to a variety of integrated marketing and communication activities. Its objective is to expose students to a broad range of marketing knowledge and processes, administration skills, and practical tools that will assist them in dealing with situations within a marketing-related career. The program will provide the skills to progress into manager-level careers, given the proper combination of skills, experience, personal attributes, and additional training.

Marketing Career Opportunities

Career Opportunities

The Marketing Coordinator program provides students with a range of marketing knowledge and skills that prepare them for many aspects of marketing. Graduates of this program are prepared for entry-level marketing support and administrative positions in a variety of industries, specializing in those areas of greatest interest, experience, and ability. Careers in marketing communications, such as marketing, advertising, direct marketing, public relations, and market research are available to those students who possess the proper combination of marketing skills, experience, personal ability, and aptitude. Careers that correspond with the skills learned in this program including Marketing & Events Coordinator, Sales & Marketing Coordinator, Direct Marketing Coordinator, and many more.

50 Top Marketing Jobs By Career Level

According to TrackMaven, the 50 marketing jobs we profile are divided into four levels: Leadership, Directors, Managers and Experts, and Staff. Take a look at our comprehensive marketing careers map below:
Marketing Jobs by Career Level
As the largest career college in Canada with 50 campuses across the country, the Academy of Learning College attributes the growth in our success to identifying the gap between the formal education available and the realities of the working world. We fulfill the needs of learners by developing customized programs for each student while meeting the requirements for a convenient and effective training at an affordable cost. Browse our program list by province and find the best program that suits your needs!