For many new Canadians, meaningful, secure employment can be hard to find. When Canadian employers are looking for applicants with training and certification they recognize, the unfamiliar credentials you may have earned outside of Canada can often be underappreciated.
If you’ve recently moved to Canada and are looking for the job security you deserve, pursuing certification from an acclaimed Canadian career college is a great way to start. This process of earning Canadian credentials that connect your own skills and experience with our national job market is sometimes called “bridging.” For example, those with finance industry skills but no Canadian certification can bridge their existing skills and experience into an accounting career, with the help of the right training program.
Here’s how Academy of Learning College (AOLC) accounting training can help new Canadians bridge their credentials.
Accounting Colleges Offer Targeted Skills-Training & Support to New Canadians
According to Ontario Immigration, training that effectively bridges new Canadians’ credentials does this by offering:
- Assessments of an immigrants education and skills
- Targeted skills-training programs
- Preparation for further licence or certification examinations
- Individual learning plans to identify any added training immigrants may need
Not all accounting colleges are built to accommodate these particular needs and goals, but AOLC does. Here, each and every new learner meets with a friendly administrator to determine which program is right for them. Our facilitators then offer round-the-clock, one-on-one learning support. Your success is their priority!
And AOLC programs—like our Computerized Payroll Accounting program and Business and Office Accounting Clerk program—are all strictly focused on the skills Canadian employers are looking for. Experienced new Canadians don’t need to re-learn all the industry ropes; instead, you’re able to spend your time gaining the precise skills necessary for success in your Canadian accounting career. Continuous enrollment and short, effective courses allow adult learners to secure respectable credentials in just 4 to 12 months.
A well-designed, flexible program can help you earn Canadian certification on your own time
Effective Accountant Training Quickly Earns New Canadians Jobs They Deserve
According to Statistics Canada, the work experience of new Canadians is recognized less frequently among those who are mature and female. While it reports that 56 per cent of immigrant men have their work experience recognized by “employers, work organizations, and educational institutions,” only 48 per cent of immigrant women receive the same recognition.
Women aged 45 to 59 earned the lowest projected recognition of their credentials and work experience outside of Canada. This experience rings true for AOLC Computerized Accounting Program graduate Sara Fazael.
“Before I started at Academy of Learning College, I had basic computer skills. I had some office experience, but I could not find employment in my field of accounting,” she explains. “Without Canadian education and experience, employers would not hire me.”
At AOLC, our accounting training program caters to adult learners like Sara. We understand that many of our learners are balancing their studies with pre-existing jobs and family responsibilities, so we’ve designed a flexible integrated learning program to help them study at their own pace.
“Occasional daycare issues required that I stay home, but Academy of Learning College allowed me to keep on track because of the flexible hours,” shares Sara. “Now I am employed and I use Excel and QuickBooks every single day at work. My training helped me get the job I have today.”
Would you like to launch your own Canadian accounting career by taking your first accounting course?
Visit Academy of Learning College to learn more about getting started.