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If you are currently unemployed and are actively looking for a job, you should come as close as you can to making your job search a full-time job. You’ll be more effective and get results faster if you turn your full power on during this process. When job searches don’t bring back the expected return, the majority of job-seekers often tries to increase the workload without analyzing the overall strategy and determining what could be done better, as well as what strategies to add or subtract. Establishing a daily routine that simulates a work day will result in a more productive, and effective job-search process.
Get up early, perhaps exercise, then shower, and get dressed. You certainly don’t need to be in full business attire, but dress nicely enough to make you feel professional and productive. Trust me, you’ll be a lot more effective this way than you would be in a cozy bathrobe. Take time at the beginning of your job-hunting day to focus yourself on the tasks in front of you and put yourself in a positive and productive mindset. At the end of the day, take some time to analyze your work and plan your next job-hunting day. After a while, you’ll figure out what you are lacking and what you can do better, and you will constantly need to make changes to accommodate the needs of your job search.

Job Search

Full-time job-seekers should make a base routine for each day of the work week to maintain a certain productivity level throughout your job-search period. You could squeeze in some time to research for new job postings on the weekend, so you’ll have your targets ready every Monday. Mark your schedule on a calendar or agenda, and check off each responsibility as you complete it. Here’s a suggested job-search schedule from CareerThinker:
Start of Day 6:30 am Daily — start your day at the same time every day. 6:30 am will give your day a good start and keep you structured.
45 Minutes Daily — take a shower and get dressed each morning. Remeber, no sweat pants, you need to put on proper clothing to stay on your professional side. This will keep you from crawling up on the couch or in bed. Taking pride in your appearance it will make you feel positive and keep you motivated.
15-30 Minutes Daily — eat breakfast, as it is most important meal of the day and it will keep your energy levels on track.
60 Minutes Daily — fitness. If you have your own gym program, keep it on track. If you don’t have a fitness routine or you had to cancel your gym membership due to loss of income, think of taking long walks, speed walking or even seek out playing your favourite sport, these all can do wonders for your fitness.
30 Minutes Daily — review any new job postings from job boards or job search engines. Document a list of jobs you plan to apply for with the job title, job description and web link.
30 Minutes Daily — work on your list of companies and organizations you desire to work for, even if they don’t have any advertised job postings. Research a few of these companies and track down the contact information of the person who’s responsible for the hiring process, as well as the potential manager for the type of position you had your eyes on.

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30-60 Minutes Daily — review any possible leads or contacts within your own network. Career-focused network such as LinkedIn could come in handy for you. Reach our to companies, influencers or recruiters. Take part in LinkedIn group discussions, and fill your profile with valuable information.
60 Minutes Daily — take a lunch break
Two/20 Minutes Daily — take two/20 minute breaks a day on top of 30-60 minutes for lunch, get up walk around have a snack.
3-4 Hours Daily — polish your cover letters and resume, and customize them to target each position you are applying for. Send out cover letters and resumes and complete any online job applications. Keep in mind that 10 well targeted cover letters and resumes sent to the right people will bring your better results than 1,000 general ones.
2-3 Hours Weekly — a few days during the work week, review your own finances and stay on top of them. Plan a budget and constantly review you spending habits.
2-3 Hours Weekly — meet colleagues, friends or even family members for an inexpensive breakfast, lunch, or cup of coffee. Communicate how your search is going, and be open with any advice or leads. This will help break up the monotonous of your week, fight some of the loneliness, and can also lead to potential opportunities for you.
2-3 Hours Weekly — work on your professional skills and qualifications. Attend online webinars, courses or workshops that are available to advance your skill set. There are a wide variety of paid and free courses on the internet that can polish your skills in either job-search, resume or cover letter writing, time management, or any industry specified qualifications. Other than using online resources, you can also reach out to the local schools, colleges, churches, or unemployment offices in your community where career workshops, support groups or career services are often held.
End of Job Search Work Day approx. 5:00 pm — your job search day should end about the same time your normal work day ends. Spend time with family and friends, stay active and don’t become a couch potato.
20 Minutes Daily — Each evening before you go to bed, spend about 20 minutes to look over any emails or networking that might need your response.

Job Search

As most people say, looking for a job is a full-time job. You should stay on track and monitor your performance regularly. Remember, during unemployment is a good time to network and acquiring new skills, certifications or licenses that can advance your career. Spend time to meet new people that can guide you to your dream job, and take time to learn useful software and earn valuable certifications in the industry you are interested in.
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