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You’ve been thinking about a new career for a while, but you were busy at the end of the year with holiday plans and family commitments. Now’s the time to turn that idea into reality! As the new year arrives, it’s time to move your job search up to schedule. After all, the new year is the best time to work on updating your resume and getting a head start on your competitors!
When employers are allocating their new budget for talent hiring, the HR departments are warming up for new rounds of interviews – and you could be their next best decision! Let’s look at things you could do to accelerate your job search in the new year!
Find What Motivates You

Find What Motivates You

January can be a great time to find the motivation you lacked at the end of the year to find a new job. The start of a new year is filled with promise and endless possibilities, and you need to jump on that momentum during your job search!
Before you start looking for a new career, create a list of things that motivate you and think about how you can use that motivation to find a career that you’ll excel in. What kind of work environments inspire you? What kind of team structures motivate you? Are you looking for a certain salary level? Do you want to have a job that involves travel or flexible hours? Asking yourself these questions and building your motivation list will help you assess what drives you in your career and will give you a better focus on what areas you should be pursuing.

Utilize Your Network

As you dive into your search, you’ll be spending a lot of time tailoring your resume and writing cover letters. Sometimes, it’s more about who you know rather than what you know, so it’s always a good idea to send some warm greetings to your contacts, especially during the new year.
So, instead of solely submitting resumes through online systems, create and take advantage of opportunities to meet as many people as possible, both in your field and out. By simply striking up conversations, you’ll help your new contacts get to know you, what you’re good at, and what you’re looking for.

Get Your Resume Ready

Get Your Resume Ready

If you’re re-starting a job hunt after being in employment for a while, it’s worth having a look at your resume, CV and cover letter to make sure that it’s up-to-date. While your resume might include the initial responsibilities of your current job or skill set, it’s worth going through it and seeing if there’s anything else that needs adding.
Think about the sorts of roles you want to apply for, and if you’ve taken on any new, relevant responsibilities or developed any new skills, be sure to include these on your updated resume.

Practice Your Interview Skills

Once you start applying for jobs, you’ll be getting some interviews very soon. The job interview is your big chance to show off your skills and make a brilliant first impression on your future employer.
First and foremost, you need a professional interview attire. Make sure you have something in your closet that could work for the types of jobs to which you’ll be applying. Next, depending on what field you’re in, you’ll probably want to show a professional portfolio. Spend some time to organize your work files and if possible, make a graphical or even interactive presentation of your portfolio to impress the interviewers. Also, don’t forget to practice some common interview questions that will come up in almost every interview – questions like “why should we hire you?” or “where do you see yourself in 5 years?”.

Job Search Schedule

Set Up A Job Search Schedule

One of the most vital parts of your new year job search is managing your time effectively, and the best way to do this is to set up a schedule and stick to it. Dedicate particular time slots each day to search for jobs, apply for vacancies, check emails and customizing your resume and cover letter to each application, as well as any other job seeking activities.
Also, don’t forget to schedule a bit of time for yourself – your job hunt is important, but don’t let it take over your entire life.
As the largest career college in Canada with 50 campuses across the country, Academy of Learning College attributes the growth in our success to identifying the gap between the formal education available and the realities of the working world. We fulfill the needs of learners by developing customized programs for each student while meeting the requirements for convenient and effective training at an affordable cost. Browse our program list by province and find the best program that suits your needs!