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Dynamic Web Development for Web Designers
Are you looking for a career that combines creativity with in-demand technical knowledge? Do you want to work at the tech industry’s cutting edge, helping to bring a business or company’s digital visions to life?
Today’s web designers work with a wide range of clients, developing websites to serve these clients’ professional needs. According to the Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS), due to more and more Canadian businesses expanding online, pros with the right web designer training are in high demand from coast to coast.
To launch your own career in this thriving industry, you’ll need knowledge on the latest and greatest web design tools and techniques. Start off on the right foot with our guide to ‘dynamic’ web development.

Creating Static Pages vs. Creating Dynamic Web Pages in Web Design Training

Graduates of web designer college know how to create both ‘static’ and ‘dynamic’ web pages. The right training can help you understand the more complex, hands-on elements of creating these kinds of web pages, but for now, consider the simple theory behind what makes them different:
A static webpage is a page of web content stored in one flat form. It is written in HTML web language and delivered to users exactly as it has been designed; without interactive features, displaying the same information to everyone who visits it.
A dynamic web page is a page of web content constructed and controlled by a web designer through PHP scripting. It’s an interactive and customizable webpage with content that can shift and change depending on the commands written into it. For example, a page coded to display the date (changing every day, on its own) is a dynamic web page.

MySQL + PHP 101 for Adult Learners in Web Design College

Wondering how these commands are written into a webpage’s design? Web designer college graduates make it happen by mastering the web language PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) and the database storage software MySQL.
PHP is the code that sets the layout and functions of a webpage. At Academy of Learning College, you can learn to use PHP to write multi-webpage websites, create different levels of user accounts, and display data online.
MySQL goes hand in hand with PHP as a useful tool for storing the data. Skilled web designers learn how to store and retrieve data from MYSQL databases, making maintaining dynamic webpages a simple and self-contained process.

How Dynamic Web Page Design Can Benefit Your Future Clients

Once you graduate from web design training, you can expect to charge clients more for dynamic webpage design services than static webpage design services. Static webpage design is less complex and takes less time, but the benefits of dynamic web design make it worth the investment.

Web Design and layout changes
A professional with web designer training makes changes to a website’s layout

In the long run, dynamic webpages are much easier to update. For example, if a company wanted to change its website header, a web designer who created the website using dynamic design could simply look in their MySQL database and change the header’s PHP commands. The change would then appear instantly and consistently across all webpages. They wouldn’t need to rewrite and reload each page to include the header changes like they would if the website was made up of static HTML content.
Dynamic web design also makes it easy for new information to be added to a webpage, which can help a business keep its clients up-to-date and informed about its latest news and offers. This new content gives users a reason to revisit the site frequently, which helps a website appear higher in search engines—ultimately generating more exposure for your future clients.
Are you ready to start designing great websites for people and businesses in your community?
Visit Academy of Learning College to kick-start this career by taking web designer courses.