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Employers Need Professionals with Accounting Training
Whether you want to start your own business, learn better ways to grow your own company, or launch a new career with good pay and job security – there are plenty of reasons why accounting training might be the perfect fit for you.
What makes now the best time to start your accounting training? Read on to find out!

Employers Need Professionals with Accounting Training

Across Canada, employers are seeking professionals with accounting training, and just barely managing to fill positions with well trained applicants. Baby boomers are retiring and leaving good positions open and ready for the taking – and that’s on top of increased demand that already exists in the accounting field.
BC’s latest employment figures reveal that between the years 2012 and 2020, British Columbians can expect over 19,000 new jobs in accounting: 71% will be to replace retiring workers, and 29% will be from expansion in the field. It’s a similar story across the country. Service Canada has ranked the job outlook in accounting as “good”, which is the highest rating available!

Accounting Diploma Courses Can Help You Build Your Own Business

Across Canada, small businesses have thrived over the last several years, despite our sluggish economy. A new study from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) reveals that small businesses have created 8 out of every 10 new private sector jobs in the last 12 months – boosted by healthy consumer spending.
It’s no surprise that many students pursue an accounting training program so they can either start their own venture, or better understand the logistics of bookkeeping in a business they already own.

AOLC Accounting Programs
College accounting programs are a fast and efficient way to learn the latest accounting skills and software – many diploma programs take as little as 12 months to complete.
Plus, programs include instruction in business writing and communications, entrepreneurship, internet fundamentals, and more, which is ideal for either the prospective business owner or a student looking to join an existing company or department.

AOLC Accounting Programs are more Flexible than Ever!

Strong market demand isn’t the only reason students are pursuing accounting diploma courses to jumpstart a new career or advance in their current job.
Earning an accounting diploma is easier than ever with the advent of online learning options, flexible study options, and condensed curricula that equip students with the latest training in 12 months or less.
At AOLC, accounting students benefit from our own Integrated Learning SystemÔ , a learning model that blends independent, online, and classroom instruction so each individual can progress through their courses at their own pace.

Accounting Diploma Courses
No matter how busy you are at work, with children – or both! – AOLC has a solution to help you earn your accounting credentials quickly. There’s just no reason to hold off on going back to school!
Ready to learn more about studying accounting at AOLC?
Visit our website to see which college programs in accounting are available in your area.