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Social media is a powerful tool that connects you with professionals, hiring managers, and companies. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn have become essential platforms to demonstrate skills, develop a personal brand, network with others, identify job opportunities, and turn those leads into real-life job opportunities.
In real life, your resume is only viewed by the people who you reached out directly, or by recruiters who have paid to access mass candidate database. By utilizing online social media networks, you can increase the visibility of your professional profile and be seen by a wider audience. Let’s take a look at these popular social networks and find out what you can do with them:



Facebook is one of the most successful social networks that allows users to share, socialize, and communicate within the community. It also allows you to reach out to others for information and advice about your career or job search.
You can follow company pages to better understand their vision and culture, or join career-related groups to gain more insights from industry leaders or exchange information with peers. The informal nature and the interactivity element of Facebook provide opportunities for you to obtain information and communicate with employers in a way that may not be possible elsewhere.
Although Facebook is an informal platform mainly occupied by users with social needs, it is increasingly being used by organizations for professional purposes. Many companies are using Facebook to recruit and research potential candidates. On Facebook, users tend to overlook the blurred boundaries between personal life and professional life. Keep in mind that what your post can be accessed by both your informal and formal contacts. Before you post anything, make sure it is appropriate for your family, friends, as well as current and future employers to see.



As one of the largest professional social networks, LinkedIn encourages users to present themselves in a professional manner in order to network with other professionals as much as possible.
LinkedIn is a very useful tool for your job search since hiring managers and recruiters are often on LinkedIn to search for candidates for particular jobs. If you are actively searching for a job, it is essential that you have an up-to-date LinkedIn profile. Your LinkedIn profile is your virtual business card and your online CV.
Other than displaying your personal brand, networking with others, and discussing industry-specified topics in groups, LinkedIn also allows users to include endorsement, which is a new form of testimonials/references. Ask your classmates, your manager, co-workers, clients, or friends to endorse you for specific skills and write a few positive words about your abilities. You can make suggestions for the kind of thing you would like them to write. After all, having someone take the time to write positive things about you is an indication of credibility and professionalism.



Of all the social networks, Twitter might be the least helpful in a job search. Nonetheless, it helps you stay up-to-date with what ‘s happening in in your industry and helps you build your professional reputation as a thought contributor or influencer.
Your Twitter profile should include a semi-formal or formal photo, an appropriate bio and a link to your CV, LinkedIn profile or website. Twitter is a platform for people to post their thoughts and exchange short messages, it is much more informal than LinkedIn or a traditional CV. But be very careful with your tone if you are trying to attract the attention of professionals in your industry.

Personal websites and blogs

Personal websites and blogs

Elaborating on the latest trends or issues in your industry can potentially lead you to a new job. A blog or personal website is an excellent platform for job candidates to showcase their knowledge and qualifications.
If you’ve blogged about a company before, it gives you a one-of-a-kind edge when you apply there. Nevertheless, be careful what you say in your blog. Your website and blog are accessible to the public, keep in mind that anything you say is not your personal opinion anymore, it becomes a pathway for future employers to evaluate your knowledge and personality.
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