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Valentine’s Day. Two magical words associated with love, which evoke a whole lot of emotions. Since the 14th century, Valentine’s Day has been a special day filled with affectionate greetings, eager anticipation, and commitment of love. Meanwhile, your job search invokes the same kind of vibe that Valentine’s Day raises for you: you’re filled with hope, anticipation and excitement; you’ve been looking for the perfect one, and waiting for the moment of achievement; sometimes you get rejected and disappointed, but you ought to keep trying. In fact, the search for a job is highly similar with the celebration of love on Valentine’s day. Here are 4 things that these two have in common:

Do your research

Do your research

On Valentine’s day, you wish to show your loved ones how much you love and care about them. You spend a lot of time searching for the perfect gift that fits their needs, you look for the most romantic restaurant to please them, and you do your homework to figure out the type of food they like. And you do just as much for your job search.
Before going to an interview, it’s vital that you learn everything you can about your potential employer. Reviewing the company’s past projects, familiarizing yourself with the company’s vision, and learning the goals that the company aims to achieve will show not only your passion about the role, but also how much you care about the company.

Show your sincerity

Show your sincerity

You want to make the one you love feel special on Valentine’s day. Dressing up for the occasion, showing up on time, and bringing a carefully-picked gift will definitely put a big smile on your valentine’s face, while you express your love in the most flattering way. Meanwhile, your job is what accompanies you for most of the day. Therefore, you should treat your job search with the same amount of seriousness and sincerity.
Before applying for a job, you learn about the company, evaluate yourself to see how suitable you are for the position, and analyze your skills to see how they fit into the company’s requirements. Then, you show up on time for the interview, listen carefully and answer accordingly to all questions, and express your gratitude for the precious opportunity afterwards. Showing how serious you are about the role, and how willingly you are to contribute to the future success of the potential employer is the key to being hired.

Dress to Impress

Dress to Impress

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion, so you definitely won’t be dressed in your cozy pajamas or sweatpants when spending time with your significant other. It’s a celebration of romance and love for affectionate relationships, and you want to look your best.
Your appearance is your first visual introduction to the prospective employer. People often judge someone by the first impression. While having your resume and cover letter polished, you also need to present yourself in a professional manner. Dressing accordingly to fit the company’s culture shows your respect for the potential employer. If you’re not sure about their dress code, proper business attire is always appropriate.

Know what you want

Know what you want

Just like the search for an ideal lover, it’s crucial to think through what would be important for you in a new job. During the search of love, it’s impossible to find the perfect one if you don’t know what you’re looking for. It’s not just about what your lover wants or what the company requires, you need to beware of all the influential elements in a job that makes a difference for you.
Think through the kind of employer you are targeting and the nature of the job you are seeking. Think about the things you enjoyed doing, the environment you liked to work in, the type of tasks that brings you the most sense of achievement, as well as the tasks and environment that you despised at work. Look at how you like to work, what your career values are and the things you’d gladly do even if you weren’t getting paid to do it. This will help you identify the kind of role you should be aiming for.
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