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Making a good first impression on your interviewer is vital. Yes, prepping to answer tough questions is the hardest part of an interview, but trying to figure out what clothing and color you should wear to a job interview is crucial too. There are certain colors that can give you an edge as well as colors that could get you shown the door. The job you’re applying for likely has hundreds of likeminded people competing head to head, so believe it or not, you’ll have to arm to the teeth. Something as simple as clothing color could help or hurt your chance of moving to the next step.
What you choose to wear communicates a lot about who you are and how you see yourself. So for job interview, what color should you wear to make a great first impression? According to CareerBuilder’s recently survey, blue and black are the best colors to wear to a job interview, and orange is the worst. Now, let’s take a look at different colors and when you should or should not wear them!

The Ultimate Safe Choice

Blue: The Ultimate Safe Choice 

Shades of blue send the message that you’re credible and trustworthy. You can’t go wrong with darker shades of blue, especially navy. Choosing from this powerful spectrum will project an image of someone who is in control. From the interviewer’s point of view, the color blue conjures up calm, stability, trust, truth, confidence and security. Studies show that navy blue is the best color for a suit to wear to a job interview, you are more likely to get the job when you wear navy blue than any other color.

An Independent and Analytical Personality

Grey: An Independent and Analytical Personality

After blue, grey is the second most popular color to wear for an interview. This neutral color is not a distracting factor to the interviewer’s eye, which means they’ll be focused more on what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. It evokes sophistication and neutrality. Grey is a great color to wear as a suit or dress; it allows you to look powerful, but is not quite as domineering as a black suit or dress. Wearing grey also communicates independence and maybe even isolation. This may say to others that you’re very much an individual, who is self-sufficient and capable of thinking on your own. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, as long as you show your team spirits in your verbal cues.
Brown: A Calm but Conservative Image

Brown: A Calm but Conservative Image

Brown is a neutral color that evokes feelings of calm. It is a great solid, neutral color for any interview. This earthy color means warmth, safety, reliability, and dependability. Brown doesn’t have negative connotations, you’ll send the message of being comforting and reliable. However, it can also convey the idea that you are conservative and old-fashioned, qualities that aren’t exactly positive in job interviews where you need to show abilities of forward-thinking and modern creativity.

Black: The Color of Leadership

Black: The Color of Leadership

Black is a commanding color and represents authority, so save it for interviews for management positions. This is a good color for a job in a conservative environment like a law office, or for an interviewee applying for a high-level executive position. However, black can be a bit overwhelming in a more laid-back office environment, and can make you appear unapproachable. You may want to use it as an accent—like in a scarf or tie, for instance—rather than as the primary color. If you wear it correctly, it can also communicate glamour, sophistication, and exclusivity.

Red: A Intense Message of Power

Red: A Intense Message of Power

Red is an extremely powerful color. It’s so strong you should only use it as an accent color. Reds are associated with energy, passion, desire, power and aggression. People think of intensity and passion when they see the color red, so use it sparingly, or it could send the wrong message to the interviewer. Red is a bright, powerful color that conveys energy and passion. A pop of red (for example, in a scarf or tie) can convey just the right amount of passion without making you appear too emotional.

White: A Clean and Plain Canvas

White: A Clean and Plain Canvas

With a clean look, White shirts and blouses are always a safe bet. This color conveys truth and simplicity, and adds a bit of brightness without being too overwhelming. However, wearing all white or mainly white will make you look a bit dull and plain in some interviewers’ eyes. White sends the message of simplicity, cleanliness, precision and goodness. Wearing a clean white and beige color will convince the hiring managers that you’re a organized person since any stain or dirt will show yourself in a chaos.

Green, Yellow, Orange, and Purple: Colors of Creativity

These louder colors communicate that you are fun, creative, and loves attention. These colors are good choices for innovative and creative roles, but they don’t necessarily relate with feelings of trust or commitment, which may not be the best message to send in most job interviews.
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