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A  good cover letter is your key to a job interview. The cover letter is often the first element of your job application that the recruiters and employers read, even before your resume. For that reason, it’s vital that you get it right. The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce yourself to the hiring manager, present the reasons why you’d be a good fit for the job, add details that your resume cannot describe, and further elaborate on some highlights from of your resume.

What Is A Cover Letter and Why Do I Need It

What Is A Cover Letter and Why Do I Need It?

Before you start writing a cover letter, you should familiarize yourself with the document’s purpose. A cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience. The letter provides detailed information on why you are qualified for the job you are applying for.
Knowing how to write a cover letter that will grab the recruiter’s attention is curtail for all job seekers. A poorly written cover letter that fails to clearly articulate why you are the ideal candidate for the role, or one containing bad grammar and spelling mistakes, will result in your application getting disposed into the reject pile. But a good cover letter can work wonders in convincing an employer of your credentials and your professionalism, as well as providing insights into your personality and character.

What To Include in My Cover Letter

What To Include in My Cover Letter?

A cover letter should complement your resume. Don’t simply repeat what’s on your resume — rather, include specific information on why you’re a strong match for the employer’s job requirements. Its purpose is to interpret the data-oriented, factual resume and add a personal touch to your application for employment.
A cover letter is often your earliest contact with a potential employer, creating a critical first impression. Effective cover letters explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and identify your most relevant skills or experiences. Determine relevance by carefully reading the job description, evaluating the skills required and matching them to your own skills.

What Not To Mention In My Cover Letter

What Not To Mention In My Cover Letter?

There are certain things that you should never include in your cover letter such as grammar and spelling errors, overly long paragraphs, unfaithful statements, untrue qualifications, salary expectations, information irrelevant to the job (personal information), excessive modesty or overly flattering language, dramatic overwhelming interest, or any negative comments about a current or previous employer.
The letter is about your qualifications for the job, not about your personal life and personal opinion. If you don’t have all the qualifications the employer is seeking, don’t mention it, never make up skills or stories for the job. Instead, focus on the credentials you have that are a match. Don’t mention salary unless the company asks for your salary requirements. If you have questions about the job, the salary, the schedule, or the benefits, it’s not appropriate to mention them in the letter.

Customize My Cover Letter

Should I Customize My Cover Letter?

It is very important to tailor your cover letter to each position you apply to. This means more than just changing the name of the company in the body of the letter.
Each cover letter you write should be customized to include the jobs that you’re applying for (include the job title in your opening paragraph), how you learned about the job (and a referral if you have one), why you are qualified for the job (be specific), what you have to offer the employer, and why you want to work at this specific company (match your skills to the job description. Also, try to mention some of the organization’s mission and values and in your letter, and relate to it with your own beliefs or experiences. Lastly, don’t forget to thank them for considering your application.
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