Course Info:
Course Introduction
Management Fundamentals is an introductory management course that provides students with the essential tools required of today’s effective supervisors or junior managers. The course combines theoretical, how-to information, with practical applications. Students are required to draw on their own experiences, to research information, and to apply their knowledge to typical junior management situations. The course provides students with a balance of soft and hard skills. The soft skills students will develop and apply to realistic case studies include communication, problem-solving, decision-making, negotiating, planning and organizing, time management, facilitating, and co-ordinating. The hard skills include setting goals and objectives; preparing forecasts and budgets; using planning and organizing tools; maintaining records; drafting training and development plans, procedural checklists, and reward initiatives; and developing strategies.
Course Prerequisites
Internet Fundamentals course or equivalent.
Course Notes
Course manual provided for on-going reference. Upon completion of the course, there is a final exam. Participants who achieve 75% or higher on their exam will receive a certificate.
Course Breakdown
Lesson 1: The Management Concept; Levels of Management; Management Styles; Management Tools and Managing Diversity
Lesson 2: The Planning and Organizing Process; Planning and Organizing Tools
Lesson 3: The Problem-Solving Process; The Decision Making Process; Negotiating Skills
Lesson 4: Leading Effectively; Facilitating; Co-Ordinating
Lesson 5: Effective Communications; Meeting and Group Discussions
Lesson 6: Understanding Time Management; Improving Time Management
Lesson 7: Security; Safety; Health
Program: Business Programs
Course Aim: To assist students in learning how to handle the basic responsibilities of a managerial position.
Of interest to: Business people currently in a management position or who plan to be in the future.
Method of Delivery: Integrated Learning™ System training facilitated by Academy of Learning Career College facilitators.
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