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At Academy of Learning Career College (AOLCC), our students come from all walks of life. Each brings a variety of life experience, talents, and backgrounds and we couldn’t be any prouder of all their accomplishments!

Former Stay-At-Home Mom Seeks Work-Life Balance (And Finds It!)
Meet Nikisha. She is the proud mother of 5 year-old son and 2 year-old daughter after marrying her high school sweetheart. They’ve been together since the age of 18.
Before her life as a mom, Nikisha earned a Biotechnology Technologist diploma in 2007. She enjoyed the program, but found it difficult to find employment in that field after graduation.
Instead, she spent many years working in customer service. She even launched a side business with the crochet skills she taught herself while working at a call center.
Nikisha became a full-time, stay-at-home mom after her daughter was born.

Nikisha is the proud mother of 5 year-old son and 2 year-old daughter after marrying her high school sweetheart
After two years of being a stay-at-home mom, Nikisha was ready to return to the workforce. She dreamed of a job with good work/life balance and didn’t want to go back into customer service.
With her eyes set on a new career, Nikisha knew she needed to go back to school to gain the skills necessary for a new career.
With the help of OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program), Nikisha enrolled in the Business Accounting program at Academy of Learning Career College – Kingston.
It wasn’t an easy decision at first… Nikisha was always terrified of preparing for and taking exams.

“I would always overthink questions. Although I knew the content, I would stress out during the test.”

Nikisha graduated with Honours and landed a job as an Assistant at Queen’s University
Thanks to Kingston campus staff member Tara Teeling, Nikisha’s fears settled after a few weeks into her program. In fact, prioritizing her school/life balance was easier than she had imagined!
Nikisha graduated with Honours and landed a job as an Assistant at Queen’s University, a position that fits perfectly with her life right now.
To those looking to make the same leap to education, Nikisha says…

“Just go for it! The right program and the right school is out there for you, and you just need to take the leap.”

Thanks for the inspiration, Nikisha!

30+ diplomas and certificate programs. 50 campuses.