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Medical Office AssistantHaving a great career aspiration and not knowing where exactly to start can be really discouraging.  Fortunately, if you’re interested in becoming a medical office assistant, there is a clear path for you to take, that will lead you to your first job in the health care industry.
Below is a guideline of some of the steps you’d take, and if you complete the first two steps today, you’re on the fast track to becoming an MOA!
But first:

What Does a Medical Office Assistant Do?

Let’s start you off with what responsibilities you should be ready to shoulder as a medical office assistant.

  1. Effective communication of messages for medical staff and patients.
  2. Update medical reports and correspondences.
  3. Initiate and maintain highly confidential medical files and records.
  4. Complete insurance and other claims.
  5. Order supplies and maintain medical facility inventory.
  6. Establish office and official procedures.
  7. Schedule and confirm appointments.
  8. Interview patients in a bid to complete forms and histories.
  9. Act as the first person between the public and the medical office who is responsible for setting a helpful, patient-friendly tone for the entire office.

Sound good? Ok, let’s get you trained.

Step #1:  Make Up Your Mind

It’s very hard for anyone to decide a career path for you. For you to have an interesting career and a successful future, the decision to study something career-wise has to come solely from you. It is your time now to make a decision.

Step #2:  Find a School Online

Look for the best school for you. Naturally, the location is going to be the biggest factor. But also make sure the school has reviews and appears respected.
A less reputable school (that happens to be right around the corner) isn’t going to do you any good.

Step #3:  Get Trained

Once you’ve made up your mind, time to dive in.
Courses may include:

You will probably find this the most exciting part, as you start to see yourself professionally involved in your preferred industry.

Step #4:  Graduate and Get Certified

Your hard work has paid off and it’s time to join the workforce. The good news is that diligent students can even find work BEFORE they graduate from their program.
Once you’re certified, there’s no stopping you.

Looking for Medical Office AssistantStep #5:  Find Your Dream Job and Love it

The health care field is exciting and rewarding, and you will probably build great relationships with the people you work closely with every day, as well as the patients you meet.

Looking for Top Notch Training for a Medical Office Assistant?

A medical office assistant is the glue that holds an office together, and while it may seem like the perfect fit for you, it takes the right kind of training to set you up for the competitive health care industry.  At Academy of Learning College, we provide high quality hands-on training for aspiring health care workers across Canada, and assist students to get work, as well.
With flexible scheduling, continuous enrollment, and the ability to learn at your own pace, AOLC’s medical office assistant program is perfect for someone who is looking for the necessary skills, but needs to balance her life with her education.  Learn more about our medical office assistant program in Halifax, or about our Halifax campus, and start the journey on your new career path!