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At Academy of Learning Career College (AOLCC), our students come from all walks of life. Each brings a variety of life experience, talents, and backgrounds and we couldn’t be any prouder of all their accomplishments!

Meet Marian.

She recently completed her Community Service Worker diploma at Academy of Learning Career College – Abbotsford in British Columbia. After graduation, Marian landed her dream job. However, it wasn’t too long ago that she felt lost in life. She hopes her story inspires others!

Inspiring Graduate Overcomes Major Struggles, Now Helps Others Do The Same

Overcoming Obstacles

A high school dropout, Marian spent many years struggling with addiction. Eventually, her unhealthy lifestyle lead to life-threatening liver cirrhosis. She knew she had to change.
Marian found strength in herself and became motivated more than ever to take control of her life again. She worked with the staff at Academy of Learning Career College to help map out her career path.
She was passionate about helping others so the Community Service Worker diploma was a perfect fit. At first, she didn’t expect anything more than passing grades. Lo and behold, she sailed through the entire curriculum with honours!

“In every way this has been a great experience for me. The style of going over the same thing but in different ways–videos, books, virtual class–is just the perfect way to learn. I love that I could set my own pace. The staff at my campus were helpful and patient, and super friendly.”

Finding Purpose Helping Others

Students in the Community Service Worker program at AOLCC – Abbotsford typically complete a practicum where they gain hands-on experience in the field working with an organization. Marian worked her practicum at Salvation Army Center of Hope, and was hired shortly after she started. She now works mostly with clients who are in need of love and care.

“I was hired by my practicum placement only two days in! I have come away from this, feeling very educated and well able to do the job that I’ve now been hired to do. Thank you Academy of Learning.”

Thanks for the inspiration, Marian!

30+ diplomas and certificate programs. 50 campuses.