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Below is a contribution to the Nanaimo Campus newsletter from our Student-of-the-Month Taralyn McInnis. Thank you Taralyn, and congratulations on your great achievements!
That was the response from my bank teller after I told her that I was going back to school to be a Community Service Worker.
The irony was that just a few minutes earlier as I queued up in a long line waiting for a teller, I was thinking the exact same thing… about her career choice.

Nanaimo Campus newsletter from our Student-of-the-Month Taralyn McInnis
I had spent almost 20 years working in customer service in a variety of settings. Although I love working with people, I was left feeling empty and unsatisfied. I was sick of working for companies who claim to put customers first but endorse only practices that maximize company profits. To me, that’s stressful. But I wasn’t about to say all that to someone who works at the bank.
When I was asked to write about why I believe I was chosen as Student-of –the-Month it allowed me time to reflect. I’d like to think that I was chosen because through the CSW program I’ve learned to practice self-awareness and have continued to push past some of my insecurities. Normally a reserved person, I’ve begun volunteering to gain more experience in the field which has allowed me to meet many fascinating people and make connections to resources I will use in my job search.

Taralyn enrolled for the Community Service Worker Diploma
I have also gained inspiration from my schoolmates here at the Nanaimo campus, each with their own story of struggle and hard work. So, each morning we arrive ready to tackle the next lesson and carry on our journey towards a better future. Or maybe we just show up for Rey’s coffee. He really does make the best coffee!
Taralyn enrolled for the Community Service Worker Diploma starting in May of 2016 at Academy of Learning College Nanaimo campus. She has recently completed that portion of her program with a grade average of 97.86%.  She has just started her Addiction Worker Certificate modules. Taralyn is cheerful, kind, and such a great listener! Volunteering has always been a part of her commitment to putting her best foot forward in her chosen career. We are pleased at our part in positioning her for success!

Student Of The Month – Taralyn from Nanaimo campus
As the largest career college in Canada with 50 campuses across the country, Academy of Learning College attributes the growth in our success to identifying the gap between the formal education available and the realities of the working world. We fulfill the needs of learners by developing customized programs for each student, while meeting the requirements for convenient and effective training at an affordable cost. Browse our program list by province and find the best program that suits your needs!