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Below is a contribution from our recent graduate at Academy of Learning Downtown Pape Campus. Thank you Anastasia, and congratulations on your great achievements!
“It’s not easy for me to express in words how grateful I am that I enrolled in Academy of Learning College. It was a great deal for me because when I came from Greece 8 months ago I didn’t know from where to start. I have a disability and I didn’t know how I could find a job.  Elizabeth Taylor stood out for me from the beginning .I’m grateful for the support and the empowerment she gave me but also for the skills that I couldn’t imagine that I will have in the age of 45 years.”
Recent graduate at Academy of Learning Downtown Pape Campus
“I also want to thank from the bottom of my heart my facilitator, Warren Ison because even if he came to Pape campus in my last two months; he did miracles. He helped me with my verbal communication, my resume, and my interviewing skills. And now, I haven’t even finished my courses and I have already found a great job.
 So nothing is impossible, even at my age.”
“I thank both of them and of course Academy of Learning college for the opportunity and all the above and I will have them in my heart for all my life. “
Kind regards
Anastasia Parianos

Anastasia finished the Customer Service and Information
Anastasia finished the Customer Service and Information Clerk Diploma and is now working at a doctor’s office in the heart of Greek town. Coming from Greece that was a perfect fit for her. She was a very committed individual with a lot of hope and passion for a new career. After 7 months she completed her Diploma with Honors! We are very proud and happy to have been a part of her journey!
As the largest career college in Canada with 50 campuses across the country, Academy of Learning College attributes the growth in our success to identifying the gap between the formal education available and the realities of the working world. We fulfill the needs of learners by developing customized programs for each student, while meeting the requirements for convenient and effective training at an affordable cost. Browse our program list by province and find the best program that suits your needs!